• Choosing the Right Doctor for Pediatric Care
    When it comes to taking care of your child, you want to make sure that you pick a doctor that will care for all of your child’s needs and issues. Read more
  • Do You Need an Immigration Exam?
    When you’re applying for a green card or citizenship, it can be overwhelming to deal with all the paperwork and ensure that you’re doing everything you need to in order Read more
  • Immigration Exam: FAQs
    If you’re looking to apply for a green card or citizenship, you first need to go through a medical immigration exam. When going through this exam, you might have many Read more
  • The Importance of Chronic Disease Management
    When you’re dealing with a chronic disease, it’s crucial to your health that you understand how to keep it under control and managed. Without proper management, a chronic disease can Read more
  • The Importance of Family Medicine
    How your family medicine doctors in Houston, TX, can help you and your family stay healthy Family medicine doctors treat people of all ages. That means your family medicine doctor can Read more
  • What Causes Arthritis?
    Arthritis in Houston, Texas, is a disorder that affects a person's joints. Many factors, such as genetics and injuries, cause it. The team of doctors of Lawndale Medical Clinic treat Read more
  • The Importance of Having a Primary Care Physician
    Our primary care physicians at Lawndale Medical Clinic are responsible for providing primary care in Houston, TX, at the first point of contact and managing your health concerns over time. Read more
  • What Is Immediate Care?
    How your doctors in Houston, TX, can provide care for acute injuries and illnesses right when you need it Immediate care is treatment provided right when you need it. Whether you Read more
  • Chronic Disease Management
    How your doctor in Houston, TX, can help you manage chronic disease Chronic diseases are a common problem for adults and seniors. When you suffer from a chronic disease, it can Read more
  • What Is Cystic Fibrosis?
    If you are suffering from the symptoms of cystic fibrosis, the Lawndale Medical Clinic in Houston, Texas, is there to help. Our team of doctors will provide the primary and Read more
  • The Importance of Routine Physicals
    The medical team at Lawndale Medical Clinic offers routine physicals in Houston Texas, so you can stay happy and healthy year-round. In addition, our team of doctors will assess your Read more
  • What Causes Arthritis?
    Arthritis is a disorder that affects the joints and causes pain and inflammation. It can be difficult to move and stay active and you might find yourself missing out on Read more
  • FAQs About Heart Disease
    You may have heard of the term heart disease but may not be sure what exactly it is or how it could affect you. Heart disease is a serious condition Read more
  • What To Expect For An Immigration Exam
    A medical immigration exam in Houston, TX, is necessary to obtain citizenship or a permanent resident (green) card. At Lawndale Medical Clinic, our team of doctors is eager to assist Read more
  • What to Expect During an Immigration Exam
    If you’re in the process of applying for your green card or citizenship, you’ll likely need a medical exam to ensure that you’re healthy, up to date on your immunizations, Read more
  • Why is a Medical Exam Required for a Green Card?
    Participating in an immigration medical exam is a critical part of the immigration process and is required to obtain a green card. A government-authorized doctor must perform the exam which Read more