FAQs About Heart Disease

You may have heard of the term heart disease but may not be sure what exactly it is or how it could affect you. Heart disease is a serious condition that needs to be properly treated and cared for. Your doctors at Lawndale Medical Clinic in Houston, TX, can answer some questions about heart disease so that you can understand what it is, how it’s treated, and what could cause it.

Frequently Asked Questions About Heart Disease

Q. What is heart disease?

A. Heart disease is when the lining inside of an artery is damaged and fat and plaque begin to build up. In turn, the artery walls get thick, and it becomes difficult for blood to properly flow through. When this happens, it can cause extra strain on your heart and make it difficult for you to function properly without chest pain.

Q. What could increase your chance of getting heart disease?

A. There are some risk factors that you can’t avoid but should be aware of, and some that you can control. These risk factors include:

  • Being male
  • Being a woman past menopause
  • Older age
  • Family history of heart disease
  • High cholesterol
  • High blood pressure
  • Being obese
  • Being sedentary
  • Stress
  • Having an unhealthy diet

Q. How can I prevent heart disease?

A. Often, making lifestyle changes is the best way to prevent heart disease. This could mean eating more vegetables and whole grains, changing your diet, exercising regularly, and eating lean sources of protein. With these steps, you’re reducing your risk of heart disease and could effectively prevent it from occurring.

Contact Your Doctor Today

Find out more about heart disease! Contact your doctors at Lawndale Medical Clinic in Houston, TX, to ask further questions about heart disease. Call for more information and to schedule an appointment at (713) 924-4907.