Pediatric Mental Health: Identifying and Addressing Common Issues

When it comes to taking care of your child, it’s important that you understand there is more than physical health to worry about. Your child’s mental health is crucial and if they’re dealing with issues, it’s important to know how to handle those problems. There are common issues that can affect your child and you should know how to spot and detect these issues as soon as possible. Your doctors at Lawndale Medical Clinic in East End, Houston & Pasadena, TX, can explain pediatric care and why caring for mental health is so important.

Caring For Mental Health

You may not realize that mental health can affect people at any age. Certain types of mental health issues can affect children and it’s important that you’re able to tell when your child might be struggling. If you suspect that your child is dealing with a mental health issue, you need to visit your pediatrician in Houston, TX, for pediatric care as soon as possible.

Common issues that children can deal with are:

  • ADHD
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • OCD
  • ODD

Many of these are linked to behavioral issues and they can affect how your child can function in groups or when they’re being given instructions. These issues can affect how your child plays and acts and can make it difficult for them to control their emotions.

Often, you can tell your child is dealing with mental health issues by examining their behaviors. If you notice that they consistently have problems following rules, finishing tasks, or acting out, it might be time to visit your pediatrician for care. If your child is struggling in school or social situations, there may be a bigger reason for this.

Contact Our Pediatrician Today

Help your child handle their mental health. Contact your doctors at Lawndale Medical Clinic in East End, Houston & Pasadena, TX, to learn more about pediatric care and mental health. Call for more information and to schedule your appointment today at (713) 924-4907.