Navigating the Immigration Medical Exam Process

Navigating the Immigration Medical Exam Process

A physical exam may be necessary for certain immigration proceedings, it's usually required for naturalization, for example. Although the immigration process can be sometimes complicated, your immigration medical exam doesn't have to be, to learn more you can reach out to your Houston, TX, health experts at Lawndale Medical Clinic.

What To Expect

Even though the examination has a specific purpose, if you've had a physical in the past, like a yearly checkup, then you already know what you can typically expect.

Your doctor will measure your vitals, like blood pressure, temperature, pulse, and respiration. They will also take note of details like your height, weight, and other pertinent information.

An important part of these visits is going over your medical history with your doctor, so bring with you any relevant paperwork and be ready to discuss any details that need clarification. Things like ongoing medical conditions, previous surgeries, and treatments you may have undergone. You may also be asked for immunization records.

If you have children or other family members who are also undergoing an immigration medical exam you may also be asked about their health histories.

Immigration Medical Exam in Houston, TX

When Navigating the complexities of the immigration process you want to make sure you visit a practice already familiar with many of the most common issues that are regularly encountered.

Let the team of health professionals you already entrust with your health guide you through your immigration medical exam, and make sure to consult with the office before arriving to find out what types of documents you may need before the appointment.

If you need an immigration medical exam in or around the Houston, TX, area you can schedule a visit with the providers of Lawndale Medical Clinic by dialing (713) 924-4907.